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unexpected_destinies_by_wing_gold_tiger-d5ioyb9  Unexpected Destinies

Author: otp-destiel
Pairings: Cas/Dean, mild Dean/OFC, past Dean/Lisa & Dean/Alastair
Rating: overall NC-17
Word Count: 未完連載中
Spoilers: up to and including 601 Exile on Main St., AU from end of season 5.



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jackal_tb-6346.jpgX Marks You As Mine

Author: Prettygirlyfan
Rated: NC-17
Genres: AU, Angst, Drama, Established Relationship
Characters: Dean, Sam
Chapters: 2, Word count: 3912
Warnings: Character Death



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after2JessRae-1.jpg What Comes After

Author: November's Guest
Category: Hurt/Comfort, Horror, Angst, and AU
Rating: T (PG-13)
Chapters: 6 - Words: 42,180

The Wake-Up Call 的續篇,第一章發表於08年,後來因為太忙停更很長一陣子,到現在三年只進行了六章,看樣子這個坑要守很久....


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SN522-A-0059.jpg Black Horse and the Cherry Tree

Author: silver ruffian
Genres: Supernatural/Angst
Characters: Dean W. & Bobby S.
Words: 178,911

在一場糟糕的hunt中,Dean的前世記憶漸漸浮上表層。他曾經是Death,天啟四騎士之一,而他的座騎 - 漂亮的黑馬兒不辭千里來尋主了。 


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