semiautomagic_jensen_sm.jpgBigBang 2011:Misspelled PDF

Author name: cala_jane
Genre: RPS
Pairing: J2, Chris/Steve
Rating: PG13/mild R
Word count: 25 047

My name is Jensen Ackles and I'm a wizard. Only my life is nothing like the lives of other wizards you might've heard about.

When the made-for-tv movie of my life comes out, it will start with a deep voice, saying "Previously—" and list all the reasons why my life sucks.

去年bigbang Semiautomagic的續集,長度依然不足,結局依舊來得突如其然,但故事仍然引人入勝,作者說還有第三集,不過要等到明年的BigBang了....。

對我而言,Jared及Chris對Jensen過剩的保護慾就是最大的萌點;一心認為自己是個powerful wizard/badass的Jensen,卻總是落得血花四濺眾人搶救的局面,也莫名其妙戳中了我的萌點。

Timestamp:Silver Lining,Jared POV,保護欲爆棚的Jared.

    cala_jane BigBang 2011

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