目前分類:Crossover (4)

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The Sulphur on Your Sleeve

Author: Loracine
Genre: gen
Fandoms: Supernatural, Dark Angel
words: 49810

這篇根本就是Berserker! Verse 的Dark Angel 版本,角色個性非常貼近原劇,意思就是丁丁粉會心痛到捶牆。故事主線從912 三米的"我們是工作夥伴,但是當兄弟我還要考慮看看"開始,然後Dean就失蹤了,直到五年之後三米才打聽到兄弟的下落,然後在X5的協助下(其實也只出動了Max跟Zack兩隻,Alec跟Ben還在 Manticore服役中)成功救出Dean 。


Sam made a terrible mistake. implied that he didn't want to be brothers anymore. In that moment, he'd wanted Dean to hurt. He succeeded and Dean disappeared. Five years later find the brothers divided and hurting. Sam is swimming in guilt and still searching for his brother and Dean has been caught in the clutches of Manticore all these years. This is the story of how they found each other again.


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679d.jpgDevil's Gateway

Author: rachelAbendstern
Genre: Humor/Angst
Characters: Alec & Ben, Sam & Dean
Chapters: 19, Words: 31,967,

2020年,Alec在補給任務中一屁股(就是字面上的意思)穿越回2007年的夏天,帶著肩膀上的槍傷,倒向一張跟他一模一樣的臉. Crossover with Supernatural.

故事分成三個部分,共19個章節,第三部裡連Ben都出場了,The Winchester Boys 一家團圓(其中有三張臉是一樣的).

故事很有趣,人物個性也很貼近原劇,唯一讓我不滿的角色就是Ruby,因為作者寫這個故事時還沒看到第四季的大媽,對充滿御姐風範的Ruby 1.0仍滿心激賞,所以整個天啟的走向完全脫離原劇,把Ruby跟Sammy洗得白淨無瑕,把Dean襯得有些過於固執又不知變通.


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5922555.pngToday's Tom Sawyer verse

Author: ladyjanelly
Characters: Sam and Ben
Rating: PG-13 for violence, some language

AU for SPN from Devil's Trap.  AU for Dark Angel from Pilot, but only for Ben.



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s640x480.jpgDamn Hurt/Comfort Writers!

Author: sasha_dragon
Genre: Gen, Crossover (Supernatural, White Collar, Leverage)
Characters: Sam & Dean, Alec & Eliot, Peter & Neal
Word Count: 12160

Summary: Sam Winchester wakes up in a cell and he is not alone.He is sharing his cell with Alec Hardison and Peter Burke, with Dean, Eliot Spencer and Neal Caffrey missing. He realizes that they have been taken by the most heinous force in the universe....Fan Girls!


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