
teen jen01.JPGCoat of Many Colors

Author: purple-carpets
Character: Dean.W
Rating: PG-13
Wordcount: 1600

There was a time before After School Special when Dean wasn't cool and he wasn't bad-ass, he wasn't even a real hunter yet. Before, he was just a sad 14-year old kid.

Dean從來就不在乎別人對他的看法,不在乎能不能打進小團體中 -- 但那是成年後的Dean,懂得將格格不入轉化成超脫瀟灑的Dean,有著致命吸引力的Dean。在慘綠的校園時期,14歲的Dean還只是個孩子,還不懂得裝酷,他的挫折感不會比Sam少,這是個有點悲傷的小故事。


Dean hasn't always been cool, in fact, he's not even cool now (though we love him for all of his flaws).

No, he's not. But at least now he knows how to act like he's cool and not let people get too close. At 14? With all his baggage? No way he wasn't a complete misfit and not in that cool I can't be bothered kind of way.

A lot of Dean's 'coolness' is that he doesn't care to fit in, but this establishes a background for where that came from, and does it perfectly--at 14 he isn't able yet to turn his aloofness into sex appeal.


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