
14951205.jpgGen BigBang 2011:Ghosts of Future Past PDF ★★★★★

Author: etrix
Rating: R
Word Count: 75k
Warnings: Angst, AU/AR, death, h/c; spoilers for up to 6.20 (in a way)

大愛!Dean-Girls都會喜歡的故事。AU,時間:2008,背景:403,Dean親眼目睹Sam與Ruby暗地裡搞的勾當,在他心慌意亂不知所措時,一個來自2012年的鬼魂 -- Dean的鬼魂,提供了所有需要的訊息,天堂人間地獄的故事從此改寫.

故事非常精采,以Ruby死亡作為關鍵點,重新演出大半個第四季,包括66個封印,包括Adam,包括Sam的憤怒 -- Dean還挨了Sam一刀,差點死翹翹,熟悉的背景及人物,卻帶來了不一樣的影響及結局。

最精采的角色是Dean,在接收了未來四年的記憶與情緒之後,從那個仍然相信Saving people hunting things的熱血獵人,在三個星期裡變成我們在第五季裡見到的心灰意冷的軀殼。

Dean looks away. "And I just… gave up, I suppose."

"Gave up on what?"

"On you. On us. On it ever going back to what it had been. It was supposed to be you and me against the world."

"Family's important, right? That's what you always say." Sam lifts his voice, "Or is that only when it's convenient?"

Dean stops dead. He whips around. "No, that's you, Sam. You're the one who can pick us up or ignore us whenever you want to go chasing something else, something better. And you know what? Maybe you weren't wrong."

    etrix BigBang 2011

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