
spn08Or where you go, or where you’ve been

Author: amonitrate
Rating: gen
Characters: Sam & Dean W.
Words: 3300

Summary: Sam總覺得父親與哥哥有著自己秘密的談心時刻,談著那些他不曾參與的事件,雖然很明顯的從來都沒有人願意提起那些禁忌話題.between "Dead in the Water" and "Faith".

作者對角色的理解令人驚嘆,所有的對白及心理活動都相當符合劇中人物的個性,Sam就是個窮追猛打的好奇寶寶,而Dean,就像Jensen形容的,是一本closed book.倒也不是他故意有所保留,有些事他真的不記得了,有些事他無法用言語完整表達,還有些事,如果他讓它們再次浮上腦海,他會碎成千萬片,再也難以復原.



all of the fear of the Lord I was given

rating: PG
summary: "I'm okay," Sam says. "You're okay, right? You're okay." Dean's not sure why Sam sounds so unsure. Of course he's okay.
words: 2,540
notes: takes place in Season 2 between Children Shouldn't Play with Dead Things and Simon Said

till the cows come down the river

author: amonitrate
rating: PG-13, gen
words: 9,962

summary: Sam’s never understood anything, not really, and Dean’s never wanted him to. But he always tries, even for the stuff Dean himself doesn’t understand. Dean’s never known what to do with that.
notes: takes place in season 5 in between "Dark Side of the Moon" and "99 Problems."
warnings: rather close POV depiction of a panic attack playing out over time is the best way I can put it. I dunno if it's triggering, so I wanted to give a heads up.


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