3717.jpg you didn’t burn this bridge for me (but I gave you the match)

author: acidquill
rating: adult
characters: Sam, Dean
word count: 2,079

notes: 續前一篇 you used to be, are you still the same,  from Sam’s POV.

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3717.jpgyou used to be, are you still the same

author: acidquill
Genre/pairing: Dean/John (referenced)
Rating: R
Word-count: 2,361

summary: you know those Papa Winchester fics I've written, where he's just a father, trying his best?

John/Dean 不是我的CP (父子配怎麼想怎麼恐怖),但這篇故事裡有些片段觸動了我的心。

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S1E01 - Pilot[(014962)00-59-54].JPG Find Your Way Back
Author: YankeeFan87
Genres: Hurt/Comfort/Family
Pairing: Dean W. & Sam W.
Words: 14,231

Pre-series. Dean到Palo Alto偷偷探望Sam的時候被Jessica的車給撞了,腦震盪、斷掉的肋骨,加上肺炎....Sam 與 Jess一起照顧他.


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spn415.jpg Consumed Memories

Author:  Disneymagics
Characters:  Sam, Dean, John
Genre:  Gen, hurt/comfort
Word Count:  ~3,600

Summary:  After a seemingly sucessful hunt, Dean begins acting strangly and it gets progessively worse. Will Sam be able to solve the mystery and fix the problem in time to save him? hurt!Dean caring!Sam

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  • Mar 18 Fri 2011 13:00
  • Golem

10008813.jpg Golem

Author: sandymg
Wordcount: 26,000 in 9 chapters
Genre: Gen, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Hurt!Dean, Preseries
Characters: Dean, John, Sam, a creature

Spoilers: Through late Season 4. References Scarecrow S01x11 and Jump the Shark S04x19

Summary: John在Minnesota照顧他小小的秘密(Adam?),Dean一個人去獵魔,而Sam ... Sam在哪兒?


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s320x240.jpg The Bright Lights of Disturbia PDF

Author: Leonidaslion
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Sam/Dean, Dean/OCs,
Spoilers: up through In My Time of Dying
Genre: drama, h/c
Word Count: 370,840

Summary: Not all of our scars are worn on the outside ...

L大的鉅作-Disturbia,心儀已久,但始終沒有閱讀的勇氣,第一因為它是超級長篇-300K吶!二來此文之虐聽說到了字句都能撕心裂肺的地步,所以即使連berserker verse都咬著牙啃完了,還是沒敢去動這篇。

最近耳聞同萌的大人們準備聯手翻譯這篇長文,我等啊等的,終於決定先一步跳進火坑,先看先贏!然後 - 阿娘喂~,L大虐人的功力果然已臻化境,好幾次看得我心痛得都要停止呼吸了!


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