17401391.png Dreams not coming true

Author: tettaliini
Rated: G
Genres: Humor
Word count: 1790

還記得418 - The monster at the end of this book嗎?還記得Sam & Dean討論slash fans的對話嗎?Dean在震驚兼噁心之餘,決定上LJ為自己的名譽而戰,寫了一封超酷的信給某同人文(Wincest派的)作者,帥得一塌糊塗啊!

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  • Mar 22 Tue 2011 13:36
  • Heart

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Arthur: sandymg
Ratings: PG
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Wordcount: 1,800 -- One-shot

Summary: Jared has a hard time shaking off Sam after filming Heart.



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  • Mar 20 Sun 2011 05:53
  • Fanfic

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Author: sandymg
Wordcount: 6,900 One-shot
Genre: Gen, Crack
Characters: Dean, Sam, others

兩兄弟被傳送到同人文的世界裡,FanficS,複數。有經典的H/C劇情 (發高燒的Dean,寵溺的Sam)、J2羅曼史(Dean在Jared的床上醒來,準備把飛撲而上的Jared一牶揍扁)、Teenchesters+child abuse(暴力色狼版的John,受害人當然是年幼又可口的Dean)、吸血鬼獵人Buffy對Dean一見鍾情、Destiel (Dean+Castiel) 熱吻鏡頭,當然,還有最熱門的Wincest。



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Author: sandymg
Wordcount: 13,156 in 7 chapters
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Gen, angst, Sick!Dean, hurt/comfort
Characters: Sam, Dean, Assorted others (all canon)

Spoilers: Set in Season 5. Assumes all canon through Changing Channels 5x08. References to Faith 1x12 and The Magnificent Seven 3x01

Summary: Lucifer tempts Sam. Dean’s life (and afterlife) hang in the balance.



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9539070.jpgThe Wound

Author: sandymg
Spoilers: set in early Season 4; post Heaven and Hell
Wordcount: 1,400 words, One-shot
Genre: Gen, Hurt/Comfort

Summary:  從地獄回來之後,Dean對疼痛的忍耐程度不可思議的高,Sam對這個新認知大感震撼。


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000329hz.jpg Nightmare Scenario

Author: Dizzojay
Rating: T
Genre: Hurt comfor/Angst
Word Count: approx 15,000

A mystrious disaster en-route to a far flung hunt tests Dean to the very edge of his physical and psychological limits; but is this all down to fate? Winchester luck? Or are there darker forces at work?

Sam & Dean在飛機上,是的,你沒看錯,Dean搭了飛機。除了暈機暈得半死之外,駕駛還憑空消失了,Dean藉由塔台的指揮,亂七八糟的降落在沙漠中。啥?為什麼會是Dean駕駛飛機?Sam哪去了 - Sam睡死了,踹都踹不醒,直到降落的那一刻。通訊系統壞了,手機沒訊號,Dean被卡在駕駛座裡淌血還動彈不得,典型的Winchester運氣。

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