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  • Mar 20 Sun 2011 05:53
  • Fanfic

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Author: sandymg
Wordcount: 6,900 One-shot
Genre: Gen, Crack
Characters: Dean, Sam, others

兩兄弟被傳送到同人文的世界裡,FanficS,複數。有經典的H/C劇情 (發高燒的Dean,寵溺的Sam)、J2羅曼史(Dean在Jared的床上醒來,準備把飛撲而上的Jared一牶揍扁)、Teenchesters+child abuse(暴力色狼版的John,受害人當然是年幼又可口的Dean)、吸血鬼獵人Buffy對Dean一見鍾情、Destiel (Dean+Castiel) 熱吻鏡頭,當然,還有最熱門的Wincest。



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Author: sandymg
Wordcount: 13,156 in 7 chapters
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Gen, angst, Sick!Dean, hurt/comfort
Characters: Sam, Dean, Assorted others (all canon)

Spoilers: Set in Season 5. Assumes all canon through Changing Channels 5x08. References to Faith 1x12 and The Magnificent Seven 3x01

Summary: Lucifer tempts Sam. Dean’s life (and afterlife) hang in the balance.



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9539070.jpgThe Wound

Author: sandymg
Spoilers: set in early Season 4; post Heaven and Hell
Wordcount: 1,400 words, One-shot
Genre: Gen, Hurt/Comfort

Summary:  從地獄回來之後,Dean對疼痛的忍耐程度不可思議的高,Sam對這個新認知大感震撼。


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000329hz.jpg Nightmare Scenario

Author: Dizzojay
Rating: T
Genre: Hurt comfor/Angst
Word Count: approx 15,000

A mystrious disaster en-route to a far flung hunt tests Dean to the very edge of his physical and psychological limits; but is this all down to fate? Winchester luck? Or are there darker forces at work?

Sam & Dean在飛機上,是的,你沒看錯,Dean搭了飛機。除了暈機暈得半死之外,駕駛還憑空消失了,Dean藉由塔台的指揮,亂七八糟的降落在沙漠中。啥?為什麼會是Dean駕駛飛機?Sam哪去了 - Sam睡死了,踹都踹不醒,直到降落的那一刻。通訊系統壞了,手機沒訊號,Dean被卡在駕駛座裡淌血還動彈不得,典型的Winchester運氣。

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3717.jpg you didn’t burn this bridge for me (but I gave you the match)

author: acidquill
rating: adult
characters: Sam, Dean
word count: 2,079

notes: 續前一篇 you used to be, are you still the same,  from Sam’s POV.

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3717.jpgyou used to be, are you still the same

author: acidquill
Genre/pairing: Dean/John (referenced)
Rating: R
Word-count: 2,361

summary: you know those Papa Winchester fics I've written, where he's just a father, trying his best?

John/Dean 不是我的CP (父子配怎麼想怎麼恐怖),但這篇故事裡有些片段觸動了我的心。

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S1E01 - Pilot[(014962)00-59-54].JPG Find Your Way Back
Author: YankeeFan87
Genres: Hurt/Comfort/Family
Pairing: Dean W. & Sam W.
Words: 14,231

Pre-series. Dean到Palo Alto偷偷探望Sam的時候被Jessica的車給撞了,腦震盪、斷掉的肋骨,加上肺炎....Sam 與 Jess一起照顧他.


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spn415.jpg Consumed Memories

Author:  Disneymagics
Characters:  Sam, Dean, John
Genre:  Gen, hurt/comfort
Word Count:  ~3,600

Summary:  After a seemingly sucessful hunt, Dean begins acting strangly and it gets progessively worse. Will Sam be able to solve the mystery and fix the problem in time to save him? hurt!Dean caring!Sam

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  • Mar 18 Fri 2011 13:00
  • Golem

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Author: sandymg
Wordcount: 26,000 in 9 chapters
Genre: Gen, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Hurt!Dean, Preseries
Characters: Dean, John, Sam, a creature

Spoilers: Through late Season 4. References Scarecrow S01x11 and Jump the Shark S04x19

Summary: John在Minnesota照顧他小小的秘密(Adam?),Dean一個人去獵魔,而Sam ... Sam在哪兒?


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s320x240.jpg The Bright Lights of Disturbia PDF

Author: Leonidaslion
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Sam/Dean, Dean/OCs,
Spoilers: up through In My Time of Dying
Genre: drama, h/c
Word Count: 370,840

Summary: Not all of our scars are worn on the outside ...

L大的鉅作-Disturbia,心儀已久,但始終沒有閱讀的勇氣,第一因為它是超級長篇-300K吶!二來此文之虐聽說到了字句都能撕心裂肺的地步,所以即使連berserker verse都咬著牙啃完了,還是沒敢去動這篇。

最近耳聞同萌的大人們準備聯手翻譯這篇長文,我等啊等的,終於決定先一步跳進火坑,先看先贏!然後 - 阿娘喂~,L大虐人的功力果然已臻化境,好幾次看得我心痛得都要停止呼吸了!


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18755007.pngWho killed Tabaqui

Rating: PG 13
Characters: Dean, Sam
Word count: a lot

Summary: Do not mess with Mowgli's brother. You can be pretty sure his teeth are sharp. 


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8334717.pngTabula Rasa

Author: SylvanWitch
Characters: Sam W. & Dean W.
Categories: Gen
Word count: 708
(Episode coda for 6:16)

Summary: Even after you've cleaned the slate, there are still ghost words against the dark. But hell, the Winchesters are good at ghosts.

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Promo03.JPG Swallow The Sky

Author: wave_obscura
Rating: PG
Genre: H/C
Word count: ~3,000
Warnings: Permanently injured!Dean, female OCs, sap



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s320x240.gif See Spot Run

Author: Liliaeth
Genre: gen
Characters: Dean and Bobby
Rating: PG13
Word Count:2981

摘要: 有的時候,即使怪物也值得被拯救。

Bobby在獵殺Skinwalkers的時候撿回一隻挪威拿 - 或skinwalker - 的幼崽,他無法向這隻毛球似的小傢伙痛下殺手,當小狗變回人形之後,這個有雙綠得不可思議的大眼睛的男孩,安靜的縮在角落裡看著他,等待未知的命運,被一刀斃命或是迎來更殘暴的主人,讓Bobby詛咒連連之餘開始嚴重質疑自己身為獵手的專業程度.



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rapid_flight_cover.jpg Don't You Cry No More

Author: San Antonio Rose (ramblin_rosie)
Characters: Sam, Dean, Bobby, Cas, Rufus, Ash
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Gen
Word Count: 14,729
Spoilers: Up to 6.14 (though mostly character-related)
Warnings: Character death

摘要:Sam 曾設想過各種可能失去Dean的方式,但被龍攻擊導致失憶絕對不是其中之一。

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601.jpgNever Had to Feel Like This

Author: PimpedOutGreenEars
Genres: Angst/General
Pairing: Dean W. & Sam W.
Words: 811

Sam has never had to feel like this, and he's never had to convince Dean to stay. Takes place during season 6 episode 14. Oneshot.


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329.jpgPrime Directive

Author: Dayspring
Pairing: Gen
Characters: John, Dean, Sam, Bobby
Warnings: Non-explicit sexual molestation, attempted rape of a 14-year-old.
Word Count: ~2280

Summary: "You have one obligation to me and your brother—to come home to us, no matter what you have to do, no matter who you have to hurt, no matter what or who you have to kill. You come home to us. You understand?" John's POV.



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On The Surface.jpgOn the Surface - FanFiction.Net PDF

Author: gaelicspirit
Genre: hurt/comfort
Rating: Gen
Characters: Dean, Sam
Words: 96,437

Summary: On the run from the FBI, the brothers are sidelined by a snowstorm and find themselves at the mercy of a sheltered town filled with secrets. Staying alive means staying together as they fight to stay on the surface.

故事發生於212 - Nightshifter 與213 - Houses of the Holy之間。


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snowwhite.jpg Black White Red

Author: mad_server
Rating: PG13
Characters: Dean, Sam, OCs
Word Count:



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Always.jpg Barba Rossa- A Christmas Story With no Pirates

Author: adrenalineshots
Genre: Hurt/Comfort
Words: 5600

摘要:在醫院裡被誤診不是什麼新鮮事,對溫家人來說更不是。 Sometimes, you have to believe the impossible to make it happen... Pre-series short story.

續篇在此:Pirate Song


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