
Sunstorm AO3 PDF

Author: scyllaya
Rating: NC-17 for the entire story
Characters and/or Pairing: Gabriel/Dean, OCs
Warnings:  character death
Word Count: ~ 66 000




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newsofmydeath3News of my Death

Author: chiiyo86
Genre: AU, Angst.
Rating: PG13
Word Count: about 3,700

Warnings: Language, violence, character!death. Sam died as Lucifer's vessel; 2014!Dean dies, present!Dean survives.

Summary: The End!AU. Lucifer is dead, and the world seems to be on the brink of total destruction. Meanwhile, Dean is looking for himself.

504 AU,如果這兩個Dean相處的時間再多一點點....,如果未來的你死在自己的懷裡......


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soldierseyesSoldier's Eyes

Author: gaelicspirit
Characters: Dean, Sam, Benny - GEN
Words: 13240

Summary: Post 8.07, A Little Slice of Kevin. There's only so long he can avoid the trap of memories, and he fears that when they catch him, they won't let him go.



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51190_originalDean Winchester's Home for Wayward Angels PDF

Author: bunnymaccool
Pairing(s): Dean/Cas
Rating: NC-17 - for language and sexual situations
Word Count: 20,500

去年DC BB Are You There, Dean Winchester? It's Me ... God  的續篇.

天啟結束.在復活了Dean之後,上帝把他的三個最難管教的兒子扔給了Dean,美其名監護,實則擔任貼身保鏢的職務,Bobby家擠到快爆掉了,Dean的頭也被鬧得快爆掉了,Crowley很愉悅的也來參一腳,The Winchester Family變成了動物園.


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5-102012 Reverse Bang:Roads Untravelled PDF

Author: dream_mancer
Rating: PG-13
Characters/Pairings: Dean Winchester/Sam Winchester, Bobby Singer
Word Count: 18’500




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2469_originalGod Save the Human Cannon Ball

Author: downjune
Characters: Sam'n'Dean , Claire Novak, Jody Mills, Castiel.
Rating: R for violence
Word Count: 19,250
Warnings: Case-related incident of homophobic violence

Summary:A post-Season 7 AU,Sam從未放棄過尋找Dean,在Claire Novak及Castiel的協助下,他從人間向煉獄裡的Dean撒下保護網,誓言一定會讓Dean安然重返人間.很美的故事,對兄弟的情感描述也很動人,誰來把這篇故事寄給第八季的Sam看啊?


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