目前分類:SPN / Fanfics (原文) (226)

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spn1731.jpgKindness of a Stranger

Author: Anne Higgins
Rating: PG to soft R
Pairing: Dean/Castiel
Word Count: 9,050



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Author: K Hanna Korossy
Genres: Family/Angst
Characters: Sam W. & Dean W.
Chapters: 1, Words: 4,505



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seasonfire.jpgSame Difference

Author: Ada15
Genres: General
Characters: Dean W. & Sam W.
Words: 984

Dean's nine the first time he hears Dad and Sam fight. They're screaming at each other and he's heard enough to know that they're fighting about him.


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dean_test07.jpgA Place to Sleep

Author: spiceblueeyes
Pairing: None,gen
Word Count: ~3,280
Warnings: Depression, suicide

Sam gets a call from his father, who he hasn't heard from for years. Why is calling now?

Death!fic。John & Sam的部分有點小言,但對於Dean的角色刻畫非常真實,真實到會讓人捂著心口喊疼。


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teen jen01.JPGCoat of Many Colors

Author: purple-carpets
Character: Dean.W
Rating: PG-13
Wordcount: 1600

There was a time before After School Special when Dean wasn't cool and he wasn't bad-ass, he wasn't even a real hunter yet. Before, he was just a sad 14-year old kid.


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guardian.jpgAlways His

Author: nend0roidgal
Category: Romance/Future-AU
Pairing: Dean/Sam/Dean
Words: 1657

很甜很甜的未來文,兩兄弟找了棟小小的房子落腳,修圍籬種花草,還養了隻狗狗。Sam看著Dean的眼神充滿了疼惜,全心全意的寵著他,in the end, Sam would always be there, and Dean would always be his.


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New Wings for Icarus.jpgBigBang 2011:New Wings for Icarus PDF

Author name: revenant_scribe
Genre: Slash | Wincest | semi-AU
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Rating: R
Word count: 41,948

豪情四兄弟 SPN版,故事發展與電影差不多,除了Wincest的部分。其實在第一章就有很強烈的似曾相識之感,作者大概是把原劇分鏡完畢才開始寫作的。


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devilstrap.jpgBeyond Training

Author: K Hanna Korossy
Genres: Family/Hurt/Comfort
Pairing: Sam W. & Dean W.
Chapters: 1, Words: 7,302

Some things go deeper than training and orders, like watching your brother's back. Which is why he should never have let Dean go in alone.


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header_bb_fertig.jpgBigBang 2011:Lay Your Body Down PDF 中譯連結:邪惡聯盟

Author: runedgirl
Rating: NC17
Pairing: Dean/Sam
Warnings: minor Dean/OFC and OMC, Sam/OFC and OMC, violence
Word Count: 34,000



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thebenders.jpg Hesitation Dance

Author: Nachuma
Characters: Dean, Sam
Genres: Hurt/Comfort
Chapters: 2, Word count: 1750

第四季中期Sex and Violence之後。


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73.jpgThe Red Room

Author: Moonshayde
Genres: Drama/Angst
Pairing: Dean W. & Sam W.
Chapters: 6, Words: 12,625



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2125241.jpgBreathing Is the Hardest Thing To Do

Author: hansons_angel
Characters: Dean, Sam, S3 Ruby
Genre/pairing: Gen, no pairings
Word-count: approx. 9500

Spoilers: Through 3x12, Jus in Bello, sick!breathing issues!Dean and BAMF!Sam.

It always matters. You matter. To me. You always have. Always will.

Whether you walk through Hell for me or not, you matter.


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S3E02 - 30-22.JPGThe Greatest Man I Never Knew ★★★★★

Author: icanhazpie
Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Gen
Characters: Dean, Adult!Ben, Lisa, Sam, OMC
Wordcount: 6030



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seasonmask.jpgPerfect Offer  sequel:Perfect Rescue

Author: LaedieDuske
Characters: Dean, OMCs
Genre/pairing: Gen
Word-count: 3181



08/30:第三篇出爐,Perfect Vengeance


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hurto.jpgSay Aaaah

Author: roque-clasique
Genre: Hurt/Comfort
Characters: Sam, Dean
Wordcount:  985



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S1E01 - Pilot[11-51-08].JPGThe Truth Hurts

Author: Crowley_Gal
Characters: Sam, Dean, Bobby, OC
Rating: PG 13 for some mild language
Word-count: approx 4900




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4iengx.jpgRandom Acts of Kindness

Author: Crowley_Gal
Genre/pairing: Gen, Sam/Jess(minor)
Rating: PG 13
Word-count: 8,280

"我到底怎麼了?" Dean問道,一點都不想去思考受傷的這兩天中,他被一群名字分別叫做Sam, Joshua, Bobby的陌生人給細心照顧著,現在又來了一個John。


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7763.jpgWhen a Righteous Man Begs

Author: Gnomie897
Genres: Angst/General
Pairing: Dean W. & Castiel
Chapters: 1, Words: 679

Dean has never been one for research- he prefers a more personal approach to their problems.


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Author: clair beaubien
Genres: Hurt/Comfort/Angst
Pairing: Sam W. & Dean W.
Chapters: 5, Words: 8,354

Tag scene to Head of A Pin. Sam brings Dean home from the hospital. Not a happy story.

416 Head of A Pin 衍生文. Sam得知Dean開啟第一道封印之後的反應,算是給第四季的Sam漂白,但是白得很有說服力也很令人感動。


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Just Cause.jpgJust Cause

Author: gaelicspirit
Genres: Hurt/Comfort/Drama
Rating:PG-13 for language
Pairing: Dean W. & Sam W.
Chapters: 2, Words: 24,482

Season 3, set immediately after 3.12, Jus In Bello.


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